
I am Sanket Daru. I reside in the beautiful city of Pune (Maharashtra, India) with my lovely wife and child. I’ve been working in the Information Technology industry since 2007, collaborating with various teams spanning from small startups to large consulting firms. I’ve had the privilege of working with globally distributed teams, assuming roles both as a team member and a leader on significant projects.

My primary skills center around software development and application design. I excel in crafting modern, adaptable architectures for applications and services, particularly across diverse cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and IBM Cloud.

In the technology realm, I am proficient in Java, SpringBoot, and Python. I’ve been at the forefront of innovation, exploring and leveraging Generative AI platforms such as IBM WatsonX, Azure OpenAI, AWS Bedrock, and Google Vertex, alongside tools like LangChain, LlamaIndex, AutoGen, etc.

I am deeply passionate about mentoring and guiding junior team members to facilitate their growth and success. Effective communication holds high importance for me, as I strive to bridge the gap between technical intricacies and business objectives.

With a solid educational background comprising a Masters in Business Administration and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, I possess a blend of skills and experiences essential for addressing diverse challenges and making meaningful contributions to any team or project.

I have a transient view on everything around me. The views keep changing shape as I explore more, learn more.

आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः

Rig Veda 1.89.1

Meaning: let noble thoughts come to me from all directions.

I believe in doing good and accepting everything around as good.

Whatever has happened was good. Whatever is happening is good. Whatever will happen will also be good.

I hope you like what you read. Please contact me if you wish to pose queries or provide suggestions or just to stay in touch.